Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Programs Like Oovoo And Skype

Do you ever interactive radio drama" Space-Time Episode 1: The forbidden sector "

By chance I came in Audio Gent " to a great app. This is the app of interactive radio play "Space-Time Episode 1: The forbidden sector". The play comes from the genre "Sci-fi comedy" and has a length of 30-60 Minuten.Und the best part is that the radio play is still the time to have completely free!

brief content description of the radio play:
Captain Burke, an intergalactic soldier of fortune looking at a devastated space port a navigator for a very special flight. He wants to go into a "forbidden sector", a sealed-off piece of outer space, waiting in the unknown dangers and riches for fearless adventurers.
Source: iTunes
The description and screenshots of the space-time made me really curious. You too? Then check out this space-time App on the App Store at>> click here \u0026lt;\u0026lt;. Unfortunately I can not listen to the interactive radio play, because I own no own iPhone. And exactly why do I take on contest of "Audio Gent" part, maybe I can call soon have a brand new iPhone 4 my own. You have not yet been any iPhone 4 you to listen to the great interactive radio drama yourself? Then just do more to 15.10.2010 in the contest of "Audiogent" with. All infos you find here.


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