Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Boss Happy Birthday Card Write

Adventure Construction - The Diary

Prolog :

My first blog. Most of the "blogs" should so at first. "Blog": another anglicism, probably soon, the German language, well - will "expand" ichsachma, what can be positive but not must. So a "blog". A changed indecent and around vision strove editor of Spiegel Online writes every now and then, how but "blogs" to think primarily in North America the kind of people and communicate, Web 2.0, etc., and what a pity it is that this wonderful development so do not like to develop in Central Europe and I'm reading: "Well, is it really so bad that I have the opinions the worsening of the gun ownership law by Jim Smith from Baghdad, South Dakota can read rate in real time? "And my personal answer was and still is" not No, it is! ". I do not care with what Jim Smith's time wasted and if he really means, after several hours online to be a better person, then that is his private affair, but my

And now this:. I, who have never kept a diary for more than one day start now simply .

write times on the topic should go to the it's not particularly original, difficult to estimate how many "Construction job" is now and that now another one comes to can be seen as an asset, one must not.

So, here we go. get fresh to rent the house (now lie warm at around 1000 Eus for 100 square meters, a common value for the Rhein / Main area), pulled the trigger as close to 700 Eus on charges pay. The angry, and although a rental, even after decades, still expects more than one's own house (the Wüstenrot advisor you trust anything else would constitute what we do ...): own. We: my "favorite wife of Allen" (Attention Quote: Ephraim Kishon), my almost 2-year-old son, who has about home yet and I expressed a final opinion.

Chapter 1: The plot

realities of elementary physics makes it necessary to build a house on a solid, immovable base (there are exceptions: if you ever overtake on a 2 meter wide Corsican coast road estimated 158 German campers, know what I mean ...). A property must therefore her. Into the countryside, we do not, for other than green, most remote city sites do not offer much for me professionally has also caused a reasonably viable means of public transport links to railway station and airport are given. Fortunately, a sustainable expansion policy in recent decades has it provided that a former tank repair work of the U.S. armed forces in our adopted country Mainz free, under a sufficiently large departure area near the center, was also the place for several of homes offered. There is to be built, the house. Our house. "Recycled" is this site from a relevant company that is probably somehow tied to the public utilities; spent does not bother but finally we have an initial consultation in a very pleasant atmosphere and we shortly thereafter decided that due 2000 Eus for a 3 months continuous border binding reservation to invest. Perhaps interesting to mention that it is a hillside garden has become. And perhaps also interesting that we could also have long lease with at first sight possible favorable terms.

Chapter 2: The Steering Group

Ok, Mainz-Gonsenheim is not in the middle of a major Canadian forest where building regulations and in particular their compliance may play a minor role - but the "Steering Group"? Welcome to Germany and especially in the depths of construction law and its supplementary provisions. We do not want to be unfair - of course, is to delight the eye in to the upcoming residential area of well-proportioned and as a whole of related units. And for this purpose are we so requested by design handbook is well landscaped homes for 4 bins provided at right angles to the service road. The base of the house may please be carried out in the color NCS S4010Y30R; a tint to the Otto Waalkes have meant, could he in his usual, silly skits from "cornea Umbra said, (who really wants to see me, which is hereby the page commended ...). What hedges, how many trees with the degree, direction neighbors fence (we have 2), which can do everything, of course not left to the individual imagination of the individual owners . Remain Well, we can engage it, maybe it reads indeed worse than it really is, but we're still at the very beginning and thus there is still room for plenty of frustration. I wait in any case, the rule of when and at what angle the windows are open to ensure a consistent overall picture ...

Chapter 2: Solid or not?

No - no chance! Whoever wants to hear from me absolute Baulaien even the hint of a recommendation for or against massive building prefabricated houses respectively, which is wrong and must get his inspiration elsewhere.

We plan to both building contractors in preliminary talks a chance namely to give an open mind. Therefore, I have even started, several manufacturers of prefabricated houses with a standardized, but to write detailed mail. Essentially, I've asked whether each company has experience with free designs, whether they have built ever flat roofs and whether they see themselves in a position to build a financially sound framework a house that is similar to what there even as a show house on one of the land is and has obviously found the pleasure of the Steering Group (see above). A suitable link (noch'n Anglicism ...) on the plan I have to fix them. Furthermore, the request, in an arbitrary time after 18 clock by phone put up with me in order to request further action. This mail was in the first round (order is not scoring and the word "house" your stake my mind back)

  • finger
  • Weber
  • Lux
  • Hanse
  • Schwoerer
  • Büdenbender
  • also: Hennig, the actual builder of the model house
offer all web sites on different information content of a contact link, which I used as intended. The choice I've made about membership in the "BDF" and first, more subjective assessments of Ciao and Co. have to start somewhere it, and write the same 20 suppliers at a time is not more clarity. That was on 24.7.

Am 27.7. came the first answers! Mr. Büdenbender (the real name of the consultant / salesperson with whom I had to do and still have to do will, I will not make public) called at my request in accordance with clock me at 18. A, well we say "experienced" man with Broideroihessischedialekt who has offered me after short conversation with an architect to come to our home and the details to talk about. This is exactly what I wanted. As the conversation went, more of that later. The whole accompanied by post zugestelltem consisting of a paper mill while large-sized but not too pushy catalog and a detailed and easily readable (!) Description! Chapeau!

The next surprise was the mail from Mr. Schwoerer, who saw in the name of his company is unable to establish such an individual residential buildings at reasonable prices. Content the mail, of course, no joy for me, but that says which is targeted at selling me Mr. credible and sincere regret with the truth, I at least would have expected. If I ever a prefabricated house off the shelf would need, Schwoerer definitely on the short list. Again, Chapeau!

Also Mr. Hanse quickly sent his mail, in turn, flanked by mountains of paper and sent by post the announcement as soon as possible to report with a detailed Kalkualtion with me. On what basis will calculate it, if he has not spoken to me about desired changes will initially be secret, because I have received nothing yet.

All (all!) chose only the other way across the paper, introduced by a loveless letter (Tenor "If you think you are really serious, you are indeed times Call ") and more or less thick (top speed:...! Weber estimated 2 kg of paper) and informative catalogs house had become bored Hennig still lost Not even a Abwesenheitsmedung or similar right, then see if the in-house CRM (Customer Relationship Mamgement; hideous concept;'m from the subject) of the endorsed companies finally after a reasonable period but triggers the actually expected a phone call or not ...
Oh yes - surprisingly, also has a company reported that I had not written, despite apparently well-functioning. acquisition proved to be the sent mail but disappointing series unkind
Good -. and then the thing with the model house exhibition. Idea in principle, even if you get the result "but I would certainly not live." The model house in the center of Mannheim has the advantage that it has a free parking lot directly on Maimarktgelände and it costs no entrance fee. With about 40 houses one can see a good cross section of the material offered and can actually get so many suggestions. wanted is just with the best company so far Büdenbender we came across a consultant who advised not cajole, but. We both can not tolerate so much so that after 30 minutes felt only the headlong rush us out of the situation. Quite possible, however, that We will also look at the other of us easily accessible from the center show house in Bad Vilbel.

Chapter 3: Call 1

Blue-eyed, confused by recently viewed RTL soap operas (a selection of possible titles: "All Broken - Life in the Horror House," "mold where the nose goes - Construction: never again!" "Such ever get the number from the tent rental and the like) and confused by black and white tanks, textual additions, infiltrating ground water and half a dozen KfW numbers (55, 70, 60, 40 ,...) we went to the first call (4.8.). A well-prepared team consisting of Mr. Büdenbender (dermiddebroideroihessedialekt) and (suspicion that pleasant-Baden singsong voice in the geographical proximity of Karlsruhe), the architect wife Büdenbenderin the evening entertainment have taken over and left first and also good impression. This did in the first place so that my mail sent as preparation here obviously taken seriously and all relevant documentation has been brought as an expression of the two. Our change requests were met, nothing has been dismissed as absolute nonsense, and if they did, it was explained to understand. So we await the first concrete offer ...

Chapter 4: The second e-mail round

I just run look at the holiday season back, otherwise you could really despair at the acquisition activities of West German prefabricated house manufacturers. Mr. Hanse still calculated without any basis, Mr. Finger reports via email that he has after 2 weeks of the plan, which I had sent as a link and should be the basis of our conversation can not be found (well - the Internet is large, which would have also 2 weeks can take longer ...) and the rest is silent. Time for a new e-mail campaign (6.8.), Because with only one offer can be hard to compare. Parallel to the attempted contact was with an architect from the extended circle of friends into the void. Let's see when he's answering machine place and operated.
This time was chosen (please re hintendran think "House"):

  • Gussek
  • Fingerhut
  • hoof
  • masterpiece
  • Streif
same cover letter for all, including the link to the design manual and the plan of the original house with the request, after 18 days on an arbitrary clock telephonic conversation to maintain. Everything any small suppliers, which are expected to top the experience was nothing. The paper and catalog printing industry will be delighted.
Think again: Mr. masterpiece calls the next night, the mail has obviously read, understood and answered the questions in advance. A very positive start, if it were not the only first estimated price that goes quite far beyond what we wanted to spend. Well, well - we wanted to Bad Vilbel eh ', then we can make the date agreed with Mr. masterpiece. Let's see whether there's what can turn in our favor ...
But until it comes to Büdenbender has again taken the pole position clear. Provides reference addresses in our area because we will probably soon turn aside times. Moreover, the prospect of soon to be with a concrete offer.

Chapter 5: there is what is going

Now's the schedule. Mr. Finger, the Internet, apparently under control, at least he is calling. We need not kindly to Frankenberg (120 km, quote: "is not yet so far") are for further discussion. My significant delay to the Lord finger (with much Franconian accent is, but no conclusion to be on his other character traits) to acknowledged just this with the words, quote: "We have sooo many customers who want to build with us, because we do not need you come home. " I declare a provisional basis for the relationship ended, even before it started.
woman Streif logs by email. With formulations that seem to take the early establishment of our own home with this same company as already a given fact. Date Monday (at home, Mr fingers. At home!). Let's see if the displayed written temperament is reflected in good and realistic advice. Meanwhile
namely we have gained some more experience, what you should respond in such talks and this is due to our deadline of yesterday (12.8.). The architect of the extended circle of friends has returned ultrafast, after re-demand telephone, appointment made, is being moved with his wife (interior designer) to our house and gave us the horizon, so to speak is extended. From now on the solution "house architect" absolutely equivalent in addition to the individually planned prefabricated houses. Recognized advantages: architect lives in Mainz comes across likable, has experience in the style preferred by us, he coordinates all trades (ok, he can pay, but you know in advance how much), he might fail a few € in the trades out there and we have full choice in floor coverings, tiles, etc, which even with prefabricated buildings is not necessarily so.
the Lord I will probably Hanse today (13.8.) Be achieved. He has his calculation on what basis whatsoever declared over and wants us to Result of his reflections present in person. It will be interesting ...
And today (. 14.8) is Mr. Hanse to our home (yes - our homes, Sir fingers!). Then we know more.
also believed lost in the meantime Mr. Hennig has responded. As I suspected had his, we say, somewhat aloof acquisition traceable back to the holiday season. For this date (next Tuesday) we are also willing to go to about 12 km to the show house, it lies in close proximity to our property. Weiss and Gussek offer in writing holiday cover for the really competent consultant, maybe it was not to write good idea of 10 producers in such a short time?
What is this? Today (14.8.) We received a call from another gentleman fingers as the described in detail above. Even tone and content contrasted strongly with the above experience made so that a personal meeting at our house (yes it seems to leave) nothing stands in the way. Since I do have an interesting entry on Thursday the same question ... Mr. Hanse came that night also passed, calm and friendly, he noted our concern, also has the same explains why Hanse is beyond our budget request, probably significantly, and promised to come up soon with a new calculation. On Sunday
Bad Vilbel on the program. Honestly? Admission € 3 per adult plus 1,50 € for parking, it's actually not worth it. Best (like we did) to make an appointment there, pick up free tickets. A well-prepared Mr. masterpiece took our concerns and promised to come up soon with a detailed cost estimate. Then inspiration actually was on the program, but over 32 degrees in the shade and a whining nearly 2-year-old put an early end this endeavor. Oh well - have a few 10-year-old bathroom facilities, we saw and we want to be fair it was, where it is also built. So - all right, that one has seen it but once again we do not necessarily there.
So, tonight woman strip, tomorrow we visit also times when our tax consultant, then in the evening to Mr. Hennig his house.
Wednesday, 19/08/2009. It could hardly be different. On Monday we had women lining a guest, highly emotionally charged but somehow not really helpful. It has "disillusioned wherever it goes" is probably the prescribed mission and we really only moon prices, questions about our feelings, the importance of confidence from etc beaten. The recorded from her mind maps do not reflect our hopefully somewhat at a loss-lousy mood in which she has left us again. Ok, their offer is likely after what she has said before crossing the top of our budget and prioritized a few preliminary steps backwards.
quite different Tuesday. Mr. Hennig and I meet in the model house. The best wife of all remains, together with son at home, since there're from the effects of a sand attack of a friendly (?) And a small child shortly after laboring following wasp sting. So I had the pleasure alone (which is now time not meant ironically) to listen to a presentation by Mr. Hennig. He treated the whole subject fortunately not of the emotion, but of art, which I personally find much more. So - what heating, the standard to be achieved, as the available space should be divided. And just as a real dialogue. Some our recent conversation partners have diligently written what we have dictated, but to say the reference to alternatives or equal to "forget it" hardly anyone came to mind. So, this time was really good on the offer in about 2 weeks I'm curious.
Ah, yes - offer. Hardly at home, was he got an offer of Büdenbender on the table. Not bad, as my amateur view of the whole thing says. We wait and then compare.
morning has (we think sometimes as a preliminary final interviewees) Mr fingers (but not the Frange) announced here at home.
hours (ie at 20.8.) It was time to make us. It's my advanced age due: it was not the unfränkische Mr. Finger, who has visited us, but Mr. Finger hat! Which has in turn left despite (perhaps because of) his young age a good impression and its first estimate it can with people who ascend are potentially in the second round. Fell out of this circle are preliminary: (include any way to contact me)

  • Weber (contact only via catalog)
  • finger (questionable phone calling, see above)
  • Lux
  • Schwoerer (has removed themselves from the circle)
  • Gussek (still looking for the vacation, for the representative)
  • hoof (no attempt to contact me)
  • masterpiece saw (in a response email is also incapable of such an individual house priced (not cheap to produce) )
  • later Hennig. Can / will not for reasons of capacity building for us. Well then.
The remaining providers will decide the overall package of price and performance and feel the future course.
It's time for a new chapter ...

Chapter 6: The decision

So, yes it has taken quite a while until it practically unnoticed blog finds its worthy sequel (24.9.). In the meantime, we got by and by all the offers, sometimes only images colorful and a price beneath, described each item and priced accordingly. Some budget-busting on closer analysis, other remarkably well and still remain affordable. It does not matter anyway: we can only build a house and we are building - with the architect. Its benefits (he has time, lives in the area, knows the building area, because he has been since built a house requires, over sympathetic and offers potential for savings) outweigh its slightly higher estimate (But still well below the more expensive house party is finished). Flight that decision (whether it was right we will know in about 5 years ago) communicated to the other party and then re-experience different reactions. Of no (Ms. Streif), cool and objective (Mr Hanse) to the type of "huff" (Mr Büdenbender who lectured again in exactly 8 points the unbeatable advantage of his employer). I'm especially sorry Fingerhut for the Lord. Not only because he was sick unexpectedly, but especially for his lightning-clean and priced very interesting offer. If we build two houses - the second we were to build with Fingerhut.
So then. The architect. A little something different to our way of life is already his. Artistically, creatively, against electromagnetic pollution, for Feng Shui, less tech-savvy but non-dogmatic, making him sympathetic. The first 1000 € he has already saved the structural engineer. Would like to continue. And what happens next - of which more later.

Chapter 7: The neighbors, the Steering Group, the kitchen and the airspace

And again is a long time until I vergangangen again a few lines to the WWW torture ... Perhaps as a blog's not for me. I actually quite like to read it, but it seems like I'm the only one. All right - we view it positively, my progressive Alzheimer's makes a written record of significant events is necessary. And such an event was certainly the first meeting of the neighbors. Overall, we are 4 houses that have to fit within two so-called "bastions". The urban edge so striking at the top of the slope makes it lt Steering Group needed to vote on certain items. For this purpose we were invited to the model house, where we met under tight management of the Steering Group Dame for the first time the neighbors. Mixed bag, as so much is already clear. More deep psychological analysis but must first be omitted, there are some clear up. Well, the color of the retaining wall must be uniform and the lovely color I've blasphemed further above. But projections from the shared garages, wild and creative property boundaries and along standing bins can not find the unanimous approval of the stern lady. All in all a successful event, we now know Find out what you need and it has been shown that we are quite well with our architect. As I said - he knows the steering group and their likes and he will find a way to express our desires and the urban edge into a harmony. A few days later, we submit our draft to the Steering Group and as soon as we have the positive Decision may have gotten it hard to believe that our drawings are considered real. Have you though: (!) Any of the submitted 12 pages was stamped on several occasions, signed by 3 people and which notes that, although actually doll is very important, but do not really want to take responsibility for my decision. Welcome to Germany ... All right, we now have permission to submit a planning application. We also get a letter from the city works, that we now may soon finish our long-term lease, as well as the geological survey (about 1000 € for the recognition that there is on our property silty sand interspersed with sandy silt is, no joke!). All in all, the administrative steam rolled them up and now will bring us some joyful public authority. Then we look at the intricacies of the inner life and this is without doubt the kitchen.
One of the last secrets of this planet is the price discovery process of a West German kitchen studios. The price of a well-built camel in Timbuktu will definitely be awarded according to transparent rules than that of a fitted kitchen with as much advance time. The first experience of this kind, we had the market leader in the field kitchens in the Rhine-Main area. So I did not say too much, because there are several of them, according to self-promotion ...
Well, the son is excellent in its day care center housed a Friday and take free time to devote himself entirely to the fronts, the body and Electrical equipment is so is rather nice. Leader is represented by a middle aged lady who was tormented in a longer (4.5 h at the end) process by our needs, space and budget requirements. Using the fabulous program "Carat" (I could write a user did,'s so long and often seen) cabinets, disks and devices from different backgrounds at a awesome kitchen mountains are piled. You can see whatever the current "price" (not the kitchen consultants has failed to note that these prices are without any meaning) and is (at least I felt so) and more nervous. Towards the end but the following will happen: either in a longer computational process can be any "discount" packages to the newly identified nonsense price applied (estimated at 20 screens, which are processed in real time) or (as the less tech-savvy woman leader) of the screen with the " final price is "fixed a long time, fished out a calculator, input a few numbers awkward, a little grumbling, and then any number which is about 60% below what we thought even just perceive the final price, proclaimed fixed and hand-written on the card. Aha. A further difficulty is that we absolutely had to decide in the next 2 days, only then we could benefit from the current super-special discount. Otherwise, it will 10% more expensive. From there it was out of the oven - offers women's market leader that is, without a lot of pain on you like always-too-determined price, but increased in 3 days in a miraculous way by 10%? It works yet? Quite unlikely that the leader can extend its position with this mission ...
date 2 in a very large furniture store. Stark opposite. A very tech-savvy young lady directs competently by Alno's program, places us in a short time together in a beautiful kitchen Carat and 20 screen pages can go off on our dementia-end price. Aha - not bad. And even now, despite existing price battle, the commitment to price a little longer to maintain. It is possible!
date first 3 times funny. A renowned kitchen studio in Mainz, appointment with a trained interior designer. This is now again on 2 dates, one to meet, one for planning. Had I somehow differently, but as the introductory talk was very positive, I'm curious. The next appointment will be on Saturday.
Had I told you of our airspace? No? First, we wanted to do not. On the other hand, we have in our future home a concrete problem: while we live on 200 square meters, but these are spread over 4 floors. Now to the bottom floor (at the level of lying under our level), with the entrance level (level with the road) some way to better share, we have sometimes the idea is introduced to the airspace. And are at our creative architects same pair also met with open ears. Right now the strangest ideas are out-and turnin '. Just hope that we manage on Friday (our next conversation architects) has a pleasing design, can live with then all. Until then.

Chapter 8: The shock of the turn, installation of the stand

And again, months passed, before the construction diary finds its deserved sequel. This much has happened! In addition to deciding who is allowed to install our kitchen (the Mainz dealer) is now the architect has left the area must favorably with respect and made the first concrete offer. To make it short: not for the faint of heart. Flat 25% above its original estimate! Well, I had indeed asked him, now expected to "sausage cheese", but the result of blows me away because in order yet. That was the shock. Now comes the turn. Good that we Topic of prefabricated houses had taken full equivalence and non-dogmatic in the discussion, because that opens us to the room for alternatives. So once again taken flight (well, in consultation with the architect) the lowest tender of the prefabricated building provider in the hand (Foxglove), devotes a mail to the sales manager stopped and waited. It came - the second shock. A tender and really far away from the original so much that I almost did not go on. But only almost. Some points that had seemed to me a little hesitant to buy it for even and the abandonment of the sky (sniff), screwed the offer but gradually return to an affordable level.
The third Player I had asked also a solid home builders who build for our future neighbors on the right. 2 nice talks had continued, however, clear that an affordable house so not be able to be realized.
So - my conclusion to the often dogmatic discussion, whether solid or prefabricated building a cheaper alternative: solid can be cheaper, but must not. Whether the right choice for the finished house was to be shown the next few years. At least the building services and construction of the wall to make a solid impression and a personal visit even before completion of the production (which is something, well - a little "off" position) and for viewing the standard necessary materials (tiles, floor coverings, sanitary items, etc.) encouraged us in the decision for the prefabricated house builders. A few days later, we have signed.
And there he is - installation of the stand. As in Germany do not even death is in vain, was also equally visible settled a corresponding fee assessment, which is roughly the weight of the shipped (now I know what a "formal notification") is paper seems to focus. From bauadministrativen reasons, it is practically indispensable, 2 weeks before writing this very same applies to the end. And the accompanying regulations had the first set also already signed our lease agreement ("the construction area is characterized by a low density scheme") sound like satire.
Thus equipped, we can now take the next steps, to the tender for the earthworks, completing insurance etc. is more of it if it happens.

Chapter 9: All my music?

Ok, for me personally it was a long time ago that I was sampled ("fit", much to my chagrin ...) but of course awaits the prefabricated house of a forward planning and for this purpose of (as far as I know ) any prefabricated building manufacturers a so-called "Sampling date" set. In the vastness of the Internet is a lot on the subject, roughly speaking, it is important to define them all, but really all the details at the house, the detailed planning can begin. For us, this is 2 days have been recognized by no means too much as we will learn even more. On the appointed date (18.4.) Then the night before have been engaged, in the quiet spa town of Bad Marienberg up quarters and the next morning to the nearby Neunkhausen down, to be sampled.
Day 1 was dedicated to the power outlets. Ok, not only Mr. Qumann (no, he does not really ...), a chain-smoking Westerwald original with a soothing calm in speech and deed sent We highly structured by the individual stories (4 in our case), and was successively with the themes window (stop, size, glass etc), doors (Position, stop, direction, etc), floor coverings and even technology (light outlets, switches positions and sockets) we set. Good - we expected and works were broadly in agreement. So then the entire 10 h-day has been enough to these issues in the truest sense of the word "exhaustive" treat. It still a very big congratulations to our small, 2 1/2-year-old youth: there probably are not many children in this age, which would have largely been through quängelfrei. He already. Imagine the consequences if his parents still had aroused in the presence of Mr Qumann fundamental discussions on the window stops ... Tip to everyone in a similar situation: to make in any case prior thoughts!
Day 2 was the day of the bath and thus the more expensive of the two. There was now the equipment: which windows (even the color of the silicone joints will be determined; Attention: light gray are abused by a specialized birds like to feed), which doors that front door, which tiles which stairs. Especially when it comes to tile I had expected even with an extra Bemusterungstag, but surprisingly, and after weeks of preparation we are in large parts of the Federal Republic tiles offer had already sorted out, we have the standard scale (which means: no extra cost to us) can find tiles, with which we can both live with (!). They are called "osmosis Caramel" he who wants to google the times, should still have the word "tile" to accept this, otherwise you can learn everything by osmosis, or the production of caramel candy.
Since we were from offering standard sanitary less impressed, we were still (as previously agreed) charged to Herborn in the upscale retail. An expert was able Dame to convert our equipment needs in a short time in significant 4-digit euro. Well - settled will in the end, that means: it is only prepared a protocol based on a cost calculation, and we have to evaluate and subsequently offered or even renegotiate. But as we came to a nice bath, toilet bowl, shower, bathroom cabinet's guest bathroom and associated fittings. Our progressive exhaustion, it's probably thanks to that we eventually could not afford a more significant resistance / wanted. It will be interesting to the bill ...

Chapter 10: The cooperative, the rough plan

So, the statement from the sampling is still not there (6.5.) but instead a multi-page questionnaire, the trade association fluttered into the house, whose suggestive questions probably lead to further stress on the home-building budget is ... Homeowners are probably the most rewarding of all possible sources of funding and to date have already benefited (to varying Außmaß) from us: Architect 1, energy consultant, public utilities, notary, architect 2, of course, Fingerhut, a structural engineer (for a static, we need not now) it to be added the finishing basement company, an insurance company, Telekom, a cable television company Tripp drawing, one or two sanitary facilities, a little exterior design here and there and now (if we do not like hell ) Just been watching the trade association. Purely legal terms, we are probably a kind of logical clients entrepreneurs (although completely different subjects) are of course responsible for everything and everything must pay! So, as a non-lawyer, I understand that anyone who hires paid or unpaid as volunteers on our site, must be insured against hefty fee from the professional association for accidents. In itself it well and understand, but what if you "ready" and otherwise ordered at least two left hands and has not the idea is to award to technically challenging work paid or unpaid amateurs? Purely logically should we remain of these charges so spared, but where is it written that laws are logical?
I have to remind me (via this blog) later times to open the feasibility. I'm roughly to the conclusion that it could annoy the Contract price for half a century, a landlord ...
A rough plan at least there already. to be dredged in June, addressed in July. Then the interior of unknown duration, and then a move should not stand in the way. It will be interesting ...

Chapter 11: The Big Chill, Part 1

mid June 2010. It starts the phase that probably every building owner / mistress lived through in varying degrees: frustration. It is simply nothing ahead, and what little is progressing is more expensive than expected. So we have met with our builder and our cellar potential civil contractors. While we have gone with the expectation of "great, is it even really all resolved tomorrow dredging" was the verdict after about 1 1 / 2 hours "it may soon be something written out and we start in at least 6 weeks. Oh yes - let the excavation on the site does not work, you have really believed you (not even available estimate) x € ignorant Kasper you more power?. Then Fingerhut also has the construction manager replaced, well - a lot has happened yet, yes, but what to make of the action, I do not know. Actually, we are still waiting for a final statement from our sampling. Apparently everything is already nearing production, but what if something has to be renegotiated? Eat customer or die - so yes it can, and should not run well.
the heading of 'more expensive than expected "is joined by the offer of the landscaping manufacturer, but to have a history. We are building it on a slope. With 3 other builders-makers, of which we know second We have to build all together on one side of the valley Plast had us in a long ago conversation concrete corner stones agreed. So just hastily googled the industry in and around Mainz and only three, but ultimately five landscaping Bauer by mail (which was probably the crucial mistake) requested. A similar response as in the prefabricated building manufacturers, only worse: one has contacted me, hastily made an appointment, offer (more expensive than expected) is already there. All (all!) other: zero response. I have two then even after the phone, it was the promise to report immediately to me. The output may each think of: nothing. Of course I admire the majority of the hard-working landscaping Bauer, that they clearly have enough to do without new contracts and have no need to create new revenue streams. But this lousy earnings surprises me after all. As a consolation, it seems to be that the only one who took my request seriously seems to do a good job. But these are things that I know until much later in life. In any case, if I run Freelancer similar acquisition lousy I had no job and no income ergo.
is at least (with an attached fee assessment) also reached the Nachtragsbauschein now (7 weeks processing time), we can start right now legally.

Chapter 12: The Big Chill, Part 2

So, Just got looked - almost 1 year ago (08/02/2010) that I opened it for me actually completely inappropriate "blog." (Read the other day as a serious professional title in the mirror) as a "professional blogger" I would be a social case, excuse me - political correctness be a member of the Präkariates. So: 1 year and far and no house. Not even a pit. I had up already attracted the sobering conclusion:

All lasts much longer than expected
All is much more than we had

fact, we have to multiple demands and apparently gentle request of the Board Finish our little house builder get to his staff but still a bill (with 2 months delay, sic!) after sampling. What should I say cheek! There appear to items that had the previous long range should be compensated. It is used for the transportation of excavated smooth times require twice the normal market. Almost every item had to be repeatedly out-herdiskutiert and, of course, always costs time. Meanwhile, we have to do a friend of mine who does an architect but a lot of lives and far consulted. This was then again brought a few eye-openers, and saved a few euros. Earth works, we now have yourself written out and actually get as an offer that is not looks like a ripoff. All this at the expense of our time and our nerves. Right now, I regret deeply the decision for prefabricated house, because it is not so definitely faster. They have not even started to build ... Let's see how I have to follow the chapter on writing: "Frustration 5" or "Everything will be fine". Right now I am in any case only sour and is also related to the contact with authorities or agencies of similar institutions. As it stands nowhere and is betrayed by anyone without massive demand:
site electricity applied to the electrician, not one himself. Otherwise you risk, Mr. Ess, his representative character of the institution of the municipal authorities of similar works Mainz will be trimmed to grossly.
house connections, however, is a completely different department. Although the use the same form, but to cross the assumption simply "site electricity" and "house connection" together and hope that everything goes his way is a fallacy. So Look out!
construction water, however, seems to run the latest knowledge to encouraging non-bureaucratic. To carry a so called stand pipe from the inventory of public utilities, lay behind a lot of cash there and marched to the construction site where a knowledgeable person with a matching key will open the hydrant and on it is the inner tube.
Well - there is good news to report: the Kellerbauer his schedule has been delivered along with static and therefore is the basement finished in late September. Hurrah. Again, for comparison, from an original plan "dredging in June, the hotel in July," we are now in the status "Keller finished in late September, house no clue as company holidays" arrived. Build definitely does not take a joke ...

Chapter 13: Things are moving (slowly, then fast)

No - A regular blog is really nothing for me. It has already become the end of October and it is actually much happened, but all the events in chronological order and promptly write down, that just does not.
the excavation is a (long). A really good pit Dredgers has adopted the theme and cheaper than expected (land valuer from 1.70 m excavation, earth moving stopped due to an eye certificate already at 80 cm, which is then passed as well). As a result, is on the neighboring property is now a considerable pile of overburden, which I really would have to go away long ago when, so if I do not have the love carrier to hang. I have that is cheap can get an unbeatable offer for the shutdown (otherwise it costs at least 8 double marks per ton in virtually uncontaminated soil. 1 ton is about 0.6 cubic feet, comes together something!), but hardly was the choice because, as already was the magic word "binding" pulled out of the hat. The cottage is Utsch and means: "I can run the offer, but if I do not want to, I do not have to." This business practice I would not long remain on the market and is really time for a new economic crisis, your builders, your over-fed!
have Then we get back our original site manager again. Well - the interim site manager had quit in between and our only contact was a telephone call of 30 s duration. Now at least I have the very enterprising Mr Beh back to my side and that's good, but so far he has always cared about our concerns seriously. The hope is that it is up to the end of construction remain.
Back to the basement. Designed and created by the market leader in the finished basement area. Company name is the opposite of wavy along with what you have in youth still on his head. Of which came first, the bottom plate. The excavated pit was filled with recycled material (not quality controlled, "sounds cheap, we make a choice you have not left us anyway), then compressed. Then shake a backhoe a few times around with 2 different locations on the disk, the geotechnical expert to make a major face and the Owner's 2x150 Eus (soil expert) plus 100 Eus (wait excavator) going on. Receives in return but a paper where it says, mutatis mutandis, that the loading capacity of the soil would be ok now, but it failed to threaten as far as possible should any compensation if the house is significant but should move towards New Zealand. Well - this material is compressed in this way switching to the correct height, then allegedly buried on schedule a few pipes, here's a steel band as an unexpected hole in the end has to have concrete. This has been so then. Soon there's also times photos to a high load capacity, I have seen here already, let's see whether the really works:

Ok, worked. Our concreted hole, 4.9. 8:30.

8:40, the first wall is. are

15:08 all the walls

So after the whole thing tied (Baude Utsch: dried) is 3 people come from above basement construction company, a respectable Crane (previously one must still determine whether the road must be officially closed in front of the house) with migrationshintergründlichem crane operator and the builder together everywhere disruptive to the site and get started.
the operation of the finished basement building that actually looks like giant Lego, there are YouTube videos that show in detail and I can confirm that this is not dealing with fakes. At the end of two days because of the really dazzling super-established teams (only our migrant crane operator was sometimes rudely made aware of real or alleged omission) were all basement walls plus ceiling made. However (and this is really a significant point of criticism), some with gaps, the more like unplanned exits looked. Of inch-perfect precision but it was now really long way away! The precast concrete stairs looked more like a moon Atlas, is probably failed the quality test, but unless you find a paying idiot who does not express a staircase out of concrete, (Baude Utsch: smooth appearing concrete surface) orders, because indeed never be noted that the could perhaps have been a better choice, as long as you can deliver this masterpiece of West German cement architecture too. My piece is turned on friend and an architect but saw no reason to intervene. The emergency exits are later with concrete (Baude Utsch: is concrete, on site, So to the construction site) is filled and leveled nice, so that the latest application of the wallpaper looks almost nothing. And for the stairs there are nice and expensive design ideas that range from natural stone to the so-called step angle.
At the end of the third day it was the finished concrete floor on it and the in-situ concrete was filled in all sorts of cracks and joints. Remaining work, attaching the outer insulation, filling the pit, set a so called inspection shaft (Baude Utsch: each house has to be even later to the sewer line is still there) were just a formality. And then it came: the house! From 22.9. had the road again front of the house remain free over a large area now because several trucks and a crane took place. Another team of this time 4 well-established people and a crane driver from the 5 new states (whether still in "migrant" is I will not judge 21 years after the unit to), even from Fingerhut directly, which is not self-evident. These have also re-Giant Lego played, sometimes a bit menacing with a sledge hammer to half-way correct position of the finished products (included: windows, sometimes ready with shutters, electric empty cans with ropes to the cable pulling, insulation and reinforcement for exterior plaster) ensured (within their action however, only partly successful: at least one angle is 89 °, which is in the kitchen planning should still prove hardship) and, according to a total of 3 days so far that the result could well prove to attribute the "house". From then on there was no stopping them: parallel, a skeleton structure (with too great a distance to the house; allowed is 30 cm, there were places 40th Caution: this threat stop the building!). The scaffolding has on my, well, we say "asking" the same way also corrected a few days after construction, but after that I did not even so kind as to greet the beginning. And a perceived hundred of Electric Power over my house to rewire it. Anders seems to appear in the Prefabricated house cable channels propped / sawn, sometimes rather rustic. And one or the other core hole (Baude Utsch: bore through concrete with a larger diameter) was, thanks, well we say "theorizing" planning still necessary. That the planners distinctly different idea of the position of inlets and outlets than the craftsmen, I was just out of this circle described as "quite normal". came Eventually, the painters who are plastering the house (in the sense "to raise Shine" by not "eat" in this context. it renders are in distinct lichen grains Without dedicated demand would have us placed a 3-flush on! which one is the excellent back can scratch. We have called the 2-plaster and get ultimately looks. A lot better!), A nice gentleman has put together in my absence, a garage door and the roofer has the temporary roof (which had existed for body shop hours) at some point replaced by something fledged . As of today the heating engineer tinkers hard on heat pump, ventilation, water pipes in and out etc, the roofer is still not finished, tomorrow I am meeting with representatives of agencies similar institution Stadtwerke Mainz, which I want to dig for comic 7500 double cord a hole through the they want to bring water and electricity in my house. Also an administrative act of the highest quality, of course, an appropriate lead time makes it necessary. In my case, 6 weeks and 2 reminder calls, the last of the responsible department head. I once found a website where seminars are offered, how the city works to extricate from the best guarantee for the correct execution of this work, there's stuff ...
Had I told the farmer with the landscaping already? The only one who has voluntarily given a quote? We have (which makes sense in our situation) as a neighborhood together and place the order together. After some preliminary discussions, we were all still a good idea, he began also eventually at times. The delivered corner stones but are probably somehow back from the committee for container in the category "if it is paid idiot - provide" fall (and equal to 2 times, the first batch we have rejected the evidence that the second shipment exactly. The same stones includes, like the first is still pending) and were initially installed quickly. But how! Knowledgeable observers (including the construction workers at the neighbors) had his own words, a lot of fun to watch the men at work. The interested layman was almost immediately clear that here the concept of clean trades were reversed. A simple water balance was already the vain Attempt to somehow outwit gravity. So - out with it, after over 3 weeks it has always been nearby. Fortunately, my neighbor distended but still in the extended circle of a landscaping and gardening and farm No. 1 has not (In fairness, it must be said really) without a lawyer free of stress, and by mutual agreement of the contract is withdrawn. Landscaping # 2 is an all around successful (and at the moment of media and politicians sought any Coleur) example of the integration of foreign citizens (women's neighbor as well!). Syrian talks, that is from birth to the language of religion has been our founders proclaimed his ideas, and by and fleißger, meticulous and dependable person, so just as you believe abroad that all Germans are like that. He arrived with his men, so that at times we had the impression that here is a migrant integration project in Berlin-Neukölln would be up and running, but - quick, perfect, clean and cheap, just as had as I wished for by Gala No. 1.
soon back for more.

Chapter 14: Moving ahead (first place, then slowly)

And again it is a few weeks ago that I remember, my care on the Internet. Indeed, quite good, for I had followed the first pulse and had my thoughts can just be blog, I would thimble covered in security with an injunction, but first things first:
made after initially impressive pace in the interior finishing of the whole process somehow limp. Although, our site manager not to insure tired that you could actually address already moving before Christmas and I will never forget his compassionate face when I said "yes - but we will probably move in a better early January, you never know, whether or not something comes up. " My phone was then also a painter unknown number in a given week awarded, but after they shone in the following week by their absence, I thought that a demand would dissolve the construction manager these venial determined quickly. This our construction manager, but had just been an accident (seems somehow our construction projects to attract the blow), he would have to leave a corpse, but thankfully did not happen. On the contrary, the injuries were probably not very difficult and he is now celebrated in 2x birthday ... The date of Christmas: oh well - we have soooo nieeee said explicitly. Aha. Then I call nevertheless a competent dispatcher at (why do I do that?). What has told me, thought provoking in me to describe at least 3-4 paragraphs in the Criminal Code. Anyway, it's definitely not quotable. From "Christmas is no problem" was "maybe two painters come in mid-December. And as I said all that, after a few weeks before me a very different schedule was communicated and I myself have had to actively seek this new information for me (!)! Love company Fingerhut: The communication breakdown (and I can not find a friendly word for it) are piling up and that's not good. Not good! So what to do: to the person responsible actually I not get, so again called our enterprising young Mr. Fingerhut, pretty much done what I think about it once made Agreements unilaterally and without any information and I will not be met not relaxed reclining. Once again, good escalation was opened over the management and behold - what had just been completely beyond the capabilities of the planners, was now not a major problem. With all the great annoyance of the one has so (unnecessarily, one must be so easy to keep only in agreements, but this is probably yet to take a little naive) - if they are then once there, the artisans, the construction manager and also otherwise - it will be good and Work quickly. I like these conflicting aspects (slovenliness of internal processes vs. very good execution of the works) in a final conclusion will digest - I do not know.
work currently a painter and a tile, both quickly and thoroughly, practically all tile work will be completed shortly, painting before Christmas and we have promised in writing dates for the remaining work.
To all interested parties for (finished) construction: let you whenever it is mandatory completion dates in writing the contract, including penalties. Why have we not done with us, I do not remember it, I pay attention normally. So make sure! If the date can not be held - please, you can always talk to each other, but we have said as not made and we will therefore not escape the impression that we are "priority-3 customers" are at Fingerhut. The fact that (as described above) Final accounts are to remain for months and be prepared for delivery to massive pressure, that we received in writing, an approximate house deadline of July, which later was the end of September that offers should be made for additional work that arrived but never that will work without any consultation columns removed from the building although previously agreed otherwise - all this fits into the picture that we are not enjoying the highest priority.
If our house at 20 oider 30 years, nor his mack-free, then this impression be back for perspective, but until then it must have first completed work. And it is this move we have for 17 January now been made (in full at MyHammer mixed feelings come to mind!). If the Möbelentführ-Mafia will find in us a new willing victim? If our furniture are still the same, if we find it in our new house? Questions, questions - today is the end.

Chapter 15: The final inspection will be the list of deficiencies, the (preliminary) conclusion

So, and on we go. Meanwhile, we moved into the house (17/01/2011), but on the way there's so many things worth mentioning happened.
As described earlier, we had around Christmas of the impression that everything would be lost in hibernation and the client is put off until sometime next year. But there was indeed the fixed redemption date and until then have a habitable house for a grant. For the 7.1. was therefore agreed to a surrender date on the next to the site manager (who has sacrificed a vacation day, coming back on the asset side of balance sheet) but also the manager and my friend and architect (including the still formally on holiday) were moving up and previously reported construction of an intensive examination. I myself have written me a list with the defects that even noticed me are. Circumference 32 points, including really big knockers as: no water meter in the house, no interior doors, not two rooms can be controlled in temperature, central vacuum cleaner is not connected, clearly visible stripes of different facade parts, no hot water, it drips from the ceiling outlet (as where the lamps are clamped ...) but essentially little things. I've taken the approach that I have a little Excel spreadsheet made with floor area, description, priority, action and execution level. This (as it turns out "provisional") list, the small armed group made a total at the end 8-hour tour. In the end, 82 (!) Defects on the clock and also the faces of construction manager and attorney were significantly longer. Many small things which I would never have occurred. Among baseboards that are not flat on the floor and must be, therefore, been injected with silicone (at all: silicone, acrylic and polyurethane foam are probably the big sellers in Handwerkermurkskaschierungsbusiness, as a trained chemist, I think seriously about whether not equal an should build a whole house made of PU foam, so that the patchwork times effectively stop could be provided ...), various defects of wallpaper and paint, this time ne bar wrong, there sometimes completely forget - 82 containing defects.
It follows So the recommendation: even if it costs extra - you make a building expert! The common owner is usually too stupid to expose all bungling, it is fit only for paying! Money well spent, and negotiations with the manager is able to move so much easier in the desired direction. 82 sounds like a lot, at least for me. Nevertheless, my architect friend said: "do not worry, I've seen very different things and a standard list of defects in industrial construction has about 350 positions." I'm so not worry about and look forward to the day when all defects have been turned off. Much of the Defects was actually from the week 10 to 14 done, other things (eg hot water) just-in-time on moving day, weather conditions, others have seen. This week of 10 to 14 I have seen construction-related, a crowd of artisans from different backgrounds, which seemed somehow to always be each other's way, but nevertheless could so far korrdinieren saying that at the end of a habitable house stood.
And then there was the parade. Here is a considerable price range have been observed. The incumbents also calculated for the same time the double of what it has cost me my MyHammer offer. My wife filed thereat have serious reservations about whether there is as well placed enough attention to the day, but as it turned out to:'s is also cheap. The relocation contractor at least my confidence came on time, had two people there, I have myself a little and touched with such a sweaty day was later a pile of furniture and 70 boxes arrived largely intact and safe in the new house. were parallel, there is still the installer (the supply and exhaust of the ventilation system installed upside was), the soil layer (which some baseboards had to bring him to a professional level), a representative of the company Vissmann (which should first fix the water problem and secondly, my famous Vitocal 300-A optimized) and were still nearly pitched another craftsman, had we not offered this bustle rechtzeitg stop. But no matter - we are now in there and have already spent the first few nights in the new house. The battlefield of unpacked boxes and furniture unaufgebauten will certainly no longer show in a few years so dramatically, the list of defects is less stable and we start to get used to our new environment.

Conclusion: Well - difficult. I lack even a comparison. When I was a multi-millionaire and 3-4 parallel prefabricated houses and maybe 2 solid houses have been built, it would make direct Comparison was possible. And if I only had my expectations, but no comparison. And this, my expectations were not met. At least not entirely. My expectations were: fast (but it was not, internal processes with FH caused a considerable delay the other hand. Our massive neighbors, who have dug exactly the same day the excavation, have grad building freeze, we are before yesterday confiscated), accurate (shocking : Schieferdecker, oblique angle, rustic Route of all utility lines, all is not tragic, but strange), affordable (may, but need not be our solid-to-fixed-price neighbors pay considerably more), well insulated (an expectation. has been met), hand made good (light and shadow, I've even noticed as a layman) and well planned (this is true to definitely not. I would have liked much more "offensive" Bear Tung). It is really something to it: the first house you build for his enemy, the second for his friend, the third for himself. There would have done things that I have with what I know now as ever. Good, proactive advice that would have mitigated, perhaps, but can never completely prevented. Overall, I leave the gentle reader of this blog by stating: right "recommend" I can not our way to a new house. Nor discourage.
end Grounds.


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